Dirk Verbeuren Megadethin tulevasta albumista: ”Ehdottomasti luvassa taattua thrash metallia”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 11.8.2020

Yhdysvaltalainen thrash metal -jättiläinen Megadeth on parhaillaan viimeistelemässä tulevaa, toistaiseksi nimeämätöntä albumiaan julkaistavaksi vuoden 2021 alussa. Yhtyeen rumpali Dirk Verbeuren on antanut nyt Todd Nief’s Show:lle haastattelun, jossa on paljastanut nauhoittaneensa albumia varten studiossa niin paljon kappaleita, että epäilee vain osan päätyvän lopulta bändin tulevalle albumille. Dirk kuvailee tulevaa albumia bändille hyvin tyypilliseksi ja kokee saaneensa siihen rumpujen osalta yhtyeen vanhojen klassikkoalbumeiden kaltaista fiilistä. Hän kertoi albumin tilanteesta seuraavaa:

”We had to push things back a little bit, but at the end of May, both David Ellefson [bass] and myself went to Nashville to go in the studio there with Dave [Mustaine], and we recorded drum and bass tracks for the record, which we’d been working on about a year and a half or so prior — we started, with Dave, working on song ideas and riffs. So the foundation for the album is done. Dave Mustaine is currently recording all the guitars — all the rhythm guitars. Kiko [Loureiro, lead guitar], at some point — he’s in Europe at the moment — is gonna come over and work with him on all the stuff. So it’s in progress.

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We recorded, actually, a lot of songs, and I’m pretty sure not all of them are gonna be on the album. But the overall direction of the record is definitely — it’s gonna be a thrash album, it’s gonna be a metal album. It’s heavy — there’s a lot of heavy stuff. So I’m very excited about it.

Old MEGADETH is kind of what I grew up with — and that’s not to discredit anything they did in their career, but that’s the stuff that touches me the most — so I wanted to bring that energy. And I was able to, because Dave being the frontman he is, let me try stuff, let me do stuff — he was actually encouraging me to go crazy in some parts and stuff. And I think that was a very exhilarating time to be able to do that. It was pretty surreal, actually, to be in the studio with those guys.”

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