Alice In Chainsin vokalisti vierailee Deftonesin tulevalla albumilla

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 11.5.2015

DeftonesYhdysvaltalaisen grungea soittavan Alice In Chainsin vokalisti Jerry Cantrell on varmistunut vierailijaksi Deftonesin seuraavalle albumille. Yhtyeen vokalisti Chino Moreno on antanut hiljattain haastattelun 92.3 KOMP FM -nimiselle radiokanavalle, josta asiasta mainitsee. Voit lukea Chino Morenon mietteitä kappaleesta sekä Cantrellin vierailusta tästä:

”Jerry is on the [new DEFTONES] album. I didn’t know if he wanted anybody to know or not. But I guess I’ve just spilled the beans. But he came in… There’s this one track that… in the demo stages of it, I was, like, ’There’s this hole in there…'”

Moreno continued: ”In DEFTONES songs, there’s not really any guitar solos per se, but there was a section in there where [there was room for] not necessarily a typical solo, but it had an area where it could use something like what he does, especially… just his style and the way he plays guitar. So I sent him the track, and then he sent me a demo of it back, like, two days later. So, yeah, when we recorded the song [properly for the album], he came in and laid it down. And it’s awesome. It’s like you’re hearing a DEFTONES song, but all of a sudden, a little bit of ALICE IN CHAINS seeps its way in there, and it’s kind of neat. I mean, me, as a fan, I was just sitting back and a little tear came out of my eye.”

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