Be’Lakorin perjantaina ilmestyvä albumi kuunneltavissa kokonaisuudessaan

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 22.6.2016

Belakor 2016Australialainen melodista death metallia soittava Be’Lakor julkaisee uuden ”Vessels”-nimisen albuminsa perjantaina 24.6. Napalm Recordsin kautta. Levy on nyt ladattu kuunneltavaksi, ja voit kuunnella sen täältä. Yhtye kertoo albumista seuraavaa:

‘Vessels’ is the product of well over a year’s hard work – without doubt, it’s the album that has challenged us the most. It’s much richer and more textured than any of our other albums. There are parts which sound like the Be’lakor that fans know, while other sections might surprise some people. Our goal was to keep the music exciting and varied, for us as much as for anyone else. Vessels is also our first concept album, which has meant that lyrically we’ve really pushed ourselves this time around.

belakor vesselsKappalelista:
01. Luma
02. An Ember’s Arc
03. Withering Strands
04. Roots To Sever
05. Whelm
06. A Thread Dissolves
07. Grasping Light
08. The Smoke Of Many Fires

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