Dave Lombardon luotsaama Dead Cross vaihtoi laulajaa
Rumpali Dave Lombardon (ex-Slayer, Fantomas, Suicidal Tendencies) uuden hardcore punk -projekti Dead Crossin laulaja Gabe Serbian on jättänyt yhtyeen. Yhtye on ehtinyt jo värvätä hänen tilalleen uuden vokalistin, ja onkin ollut nauhoittamassa tämän kanssa tulevaa albumiaan viime viikkoina. Basisti Justin Pearson kertoi aiheesta Tombs-yhtyeen laulaja-kitaristi Mike Hillin Everything Went Black Podcastille:
“We had shows booked and shit before we even had a song written so it was a weird sort of scenario that we started. We went in like headfirst and wrote a set and played a bunch of shows and then immediately went to record an album, we were almost done, but our singer left the band. We have a new singer, so we’re re-recording vocals.”
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Kysyttäessä kuka yhtyeen uusi vokalisti on, Pearson vastasi:
“I’m not allowed to say yet. I want to say, I’ve told people but they’re like… He’s kind of an ‘established singer’ and they need an official announcement or something… Let’s just say it’s like a good friend of all of ours so it will be rad once it happens. He’s already recording and we have a label and stuff like that now.”