Deftones yhä vaiheessa tulevan albuminsa suhteen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 28.10.2015

DeftonesYhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Deftonesin Abe Cunningham sekä kosketinsoittaja Frank Delgado ovat antaneet 105.1 The Blaze -nimiselle radiokanavalle haastattelun Californiassa, jossa miehiltä on kysytty hieman yhtyeen tulevan albumin aikataulusta. Frank Delgadon mukaan yhtyeen uusi albumi on nyt miksausta vaille valmis nauhoitusten osalta mutta yhtyeellä on vielä päätettävänä kappaleiden nimet sekä albumin nimi. Voit lukea Delgadon ajatuksia aiheesta tästä:

”It’s being mixed now. It started being mixed a couple weeks back. They’re actually going tomorrow to go down and listen to mixes and do things and… We’re mixing and we still are in the process of [finalizing the] album title, artwork, songtitles. We haven’t even got there yet. But the music’s done.”

Kysyttäessä yhtyeen uuden albumin kirjoittamisen sekä nauhoittamisen viivästymisestä kertoi Delgado seuraavaa:

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”You know what’s cool? We had some [release] dates that were already kind of tentative. But we were [putting the finishing touches on the album] and the label actually came in. They were, like, ’Hey, guys, for the first time ever, you guys wanna just take your time, make it right, and then we’ll release it in the first [quarter] of the year?’ And we were, like, ’Wow! Yeah. That sounds great.’ And that was actually how we wrote the record. We would go and we’d meet up in L.A. and we’d write for, like, two-three weeks, we’d go home for a week or two weeks, and we’d go back to L.A. and write for a month, then go home for three weeks. So it was very relaxed and very chill. Then we’d do a couple of shows in between all that, and then we were ableto jam our ideas on soundcheck. And we have never done it like that. Usually we’d be, like… They’d say, ’You need a record out at this time.’ And then you’re, like, ’Oh, shit! We’ve gotta go in the studio.’ Now you’ve gotta be creative and turn it on within this short amount of time, and write and record. But this one’s been hella cool, because it’s been at our own pace, at our discretion, and it’s been different and really good. And it works for us too, especially now at this time in particular for who we are as musicians and men. A lot of the guys got kids and families, so it worked out for that part of the thing really well.”

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