Englantilaisen Heart Of A Cowardin laulaja Jamie Graham jättää yhtyeen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 13.3.2017

Englantilaisen progressiivista metallia Meshuggahin jalan jäljissä soittavan Heart Of A Cowardin laulaja Jamie Graham on päättänyt jättää yhtyeen. Yhtye on aloittanut työstämään järjestyksessään neljättä albumiaan ja aikoo jatkaa uraansa uuden laulajan voimin. Voit lukea yhtyeen viestin aiheesta tästä: 

“We know that we have been quiet for the past few months, but unfortunately we have to break our silence with some bad news. Today, we must announce the departure of our vocalist, Jamie Graham. We know that it wasn’t an easy decision for him to make but we respect his decision and support his choice to focus on his work and spend more time with his family.

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Jamie had this to say…
“It’s with a heavy heart that I step down from my position as vocalist for Heart Of A Coward.

After 3 albums and 6 years of touring, this has been an incredibly hard decision to make. I can look back fondly on tours with Machine Head, Trivium, Thy Art, and many many others with huge pride as well as festival performances I never thought I’d find myself doing.

Some of the best times of my life have been on the road with Heart Of A Coward. I wish Nodz, V, Carl and Steve all the best. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to every person who asked for a picture, a high five, a hug or a chat. We are blessed with some of the most enthusiastic, mental, incredible fans on the planet.

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To those I am letting down or disappointing through making this decision, I’m truly sorry. I do believe, however, that the lads will bounce back even stronger.


This certainly doesn’t mean the end of Heart Of A Coward. We are currently working hard on Album 4 and will come back stronger and heavier than ever before.

Obviously, this has left us with a very big pair of boots to fill. If you think you’re up to it, please send an email to info@heartofacoward.co.uk for further details.

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Thank you for everyone’s continued support up to this point and we hope that you stick with us on the next steps on our journey.

Carl, Steve, Nodz & V


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