Ennakkokuuntelu: Before The Dawn – ”Rise Of The Phoenix”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 19.4.2012

Kotimainen melodista death metallia soittava Before The Dawn julkaisee odotetun uuden albuminsa nimeltä ”Rise Of The Phoenix” huhtikuun 25. päivä Nuclear Blast Recordsin kautta Euroopassa. Kaaoszine yhteistyössä Nuclear Blastin kanssa tarjoaa nyt lukijoilleen viikon ajan mahdollisuuden kuunnella albumin kokonaisuudessaan sivustollaan. Lue lisää kuunnellaksesi albumi kokonaisuudessaan.

”Rise Of The Phoenix” albumi kappale kappaleelta englanniksi (tehnyt Tuomas Saukkonen):

01. Exordium:
Basically tailor made intro track for the album matching with the 2# track and also lift up the mood for the explosive beginning of the 2#track. Also works really well as a new intro for the live gigs. I wanted to keep the intro very limited when it comes to the amount of tracks even though there would have been a lot of room for big percussion parts etc and keep ”Exordium” as a mood builder.

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02. Pitch-Black Universe:
An ideal ”first song” for the album with pretty majestic beginning. Kind of the darkest song of the album with also the darkest lyrics. Full of energy and works like Lada (russian car model which is well known in Finland for being extremely trustworthy) in winter when it comes to playing live with the new line-up.

03. Phoenix Rising:
Phoenix Rising” was the very 1st song I wrote for the new album and was wondering at some point should I have completely new project for this song because of the strong melodic black metal influences. This also the ”title” song of the album and the lyrics sum up the past difficulties and overcoming of them pretty well. From the lyrical point of view it is the most ”victorious” and positive song ever in BTD history.

04. Cross To Bear:
”CTB” aka Chris The Bear (the animal) is the most straight forward and rocking song of the album. Been getting some Pantera influence based comment from the main riff and actually asked Juho (solo guitarist) to add some Zakk Wylde style into the riff. Pretty observational lyrics about the concept of a burden in general. Will definitely be fun to play live.

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05. Throne Of Ice:
The most epic track of the entire album. Also the longest BTD song ever recorded reaching the epic length (in our scale) of 6:31. Also very varied song starting with acoustic guitars and leading into fast double bass drums and blast beats. To my ears there is a lot of ”old school” swedish melodic death metal vibes in the verses and the chorus is epic as *piip* ! Lyrics are pretty direct personal statement.

06. Perfect Storm:
The first song where the text really reflects my affection and admiration towards the grand powers of the nature. PS was the 2nd song that was written for the album and was also on the set list (+Fallen World,Pitch-Black Universe and Phoenix Rising) when we did a tour in europe with Insomnium and we had the best opportunity to test it out in front of the live audience. Very good live song at least in my opinion [:)].

07. Fallen World:
Each good metal album has to have one song about end of the world. I did not make that rule but as a good songwriter I do have to follow it [:)] . I tested this song with several people when we were mixing the album I came to the conclusion that it is impossible not to nod your head during the main riff. One of my favorite live songs from the album.

08. Eclipse:
Another epic piece. ”E” is divided into 2 parts and the ending part of the song is the fastest and still the most epic BTD so far. Majestic beginning followed by fast blast beats and big melodies. One of the most varied songs in the album.

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09. Closure:
”C” was the designed to be the final song of the album and kind of close the circle. Most personal text of them all. Less words but more meaning.

Ennakkokuuntelu on päättynyt / Pre-listening has ended! 

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