Five Finger Death Punch peruuttaa tämän päivän keikan Milanossa terroriuhan takia
Julkaisimme yöllä uutisen Five Finger Death Punchin keikkaan kohdistuvasta terroriuhasta tämän iltaisessa Milanon konsertissa. Yhtye on nyt päättänyt terroriuhan takia perua keikkansa kokonaisuudessaan. Voit lukea yhtyeen viestin aiheesta tästä:
”As some of you may be aware, there were many rumors today that the Milan show on Sunday, November 22nd will be targeted in a next wave of terror attacks like we saw in Paris last week. We did our best in a very short amount of time to work with the local promoter and authorities to ensure that security would be adequate. Unfortunately, we did not receive confirmation in time to satisfy our requirements and to ensure that our fans would be safe at the event. Therefore, we were forced to postpone the show to a later date. Please stay tuned for more info.”