In Flamesin entinen kitaristi Jesper Strömblad perustamassa uutta yhtyettä bändin nykyisen basistin kanssa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 26.10.2016

in-flames-2016Ruotsalaista metalliyhtye In Flamesia monissa eri yhteyksissä haukkunut bändin entinen kitaristi Jesper Strömblad on perustamassa uutta yhtyettä bändin nykyisen basistin Peter Iwersin kanssa. Peter Iwers on paljastanut asian tuoreessa Sticks For Stonesin haastattelussa ja kertonut bändistä seuraavaa:

“…We actually play music in another band and we’re going to go public with next week or so. We have good relationships, we’re good friends. When he does things like this, the problem I think is that 15 years ago when you didn’t have all the social media, so you just said something out when you were feeling frustrated or angry, but these days you write on social media and somebody picks it up really fast and it becomes way bigger than what it is.

He is a constant supporter of In Flames. Sometimes he says bad stuff online, but he doesn’t really mean it. It’s just exactly like I said, you get angry for five minutes and then you wish you wouldn’t have said it, but then the whole world has read it. It’s been picked up by Blabbermouth or something like that. He’s a big In Flames supporter. He likes what we do and obviously he has his issues with whatever he writes a line, but at the same time we are good friends and there’s no hard feelings whatsoever.”