Iron Maiden ryhtyy käytännön toimiin estääkseen keikkalippujen väärennökset ja kiskuroinnin

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 22.9.2016

IRON MAIDEN FRANKFURT 12th June 2013 by JOHN McMURTRIEEnglantilainen heavy metal -jätti Iron Maiden haluaa taata kotimaansa faneille keikkalippujen alkuperäisen hintatason ensi vuoden kiertueelle. Yhtye on pitkään taistellut epävirallista lipunmyyntiä vastaan, sillä bändi ei halua seurata, kuinka fanit maksavat lippujen alkuperäisestä hintatasosta huomattavasti enemmän. Lisäksi monet ostajat ovat joutuneet huijatuksi ja saaneet väärennettyjä pääsylippuja. Iron Maiden toteuttaa seuraavat toimenpiteet vuoden 2017 kotimaan kiertuetta varten:

* Ensuring that every venue will operate paperless ticketing, either 100% or partial.
* Working in co-operation with Live Nation and Ticketmaster, paperless ticketing means that the original cardholder is required to present their debit or credit card and photographic ID at the point of entry with their guest(s).
* Setting conditions of purchase so that tickets are not for resale. Ensuring to the best of our abilities, in conjunction with Live Nation and Ticketmaster, that secondary ticketing sites are prevented from listing our shows and to invalidate tickets should any appear on these secondary sites.
* Setting a maximum limit of 4 (four) tickets per person per show.
* To use purchaser names on tickets where they are not paperless and to require the cardholder to be present at the show, with picture ID.
* A dedicated team to monitor ticket sales in real-time throughout the exclusive IRON MAIDEN Fan Club pre-sale, any other presales and the general public on sale to ensure that ticket limits are being imposed and all suspicious activity is reported and investigated.
* A dedicated customer support team on hand to deal with any issues from fans with legitimate problems.
* Being aware of criminals and their methods to infiltrate our best practices and having the conviction to retrospectively cancel their inventory. This is especially in respect of automated bots and multiple card efforts which are used to garner large numbers of tickets at the onsale to the detriment of the fans.
* Reinforcing the message that if you buy a ticket from an unauthorised source, it will be either invalid or counterfeit. Do not become a victim.

Bändin manageri Rod Smallwood kertoo aiheesta:

”We do not want our fans being ripped off either by counterfeit tickets or through costly mark-ups on so-called secondary ticketing web sites. These problems now affect the U.K. more than any other country outside of the U.S.A. We believe the most successful way to prevent this is by implementing paperless ticketing. This proved highly successful in reducing piracy at our previous London shows in 2013 and on our North American tours since 2010. This is a simple procedure and goes a long way to minimizing the resale of tickets and reducing fraud by requiring the original cardholder purchaser to be present at entry.

”We have been working with our U.K. promoter Live Nation and Ticketmaster to ensure that we can operate a paperless ticketing system, in full or in part, at all the U.K. venues we’ll play in 2017. We are also instigating a number of additional measures which we believe will directly help our fans to access tickets in the fairest, safest way and at the intended price.”

All-Party Parliamentary Group on Music – ryhmän puheenjohtaja Nigel Adams kommentoi:

”I’m pleased that IRON MAIDEN are taking a principled position and standing up for music fans. I’d like to think the whole industry can learn from this initiative and use technology to put a stop to the industrial level of touting that has been a blight on the live music industry for so long.”