L.A. Gunsin kitaristi ja laulaja julkaisemassa yhteistä albumia ilman bändin rumpalia

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 21.9.2016

LA GunsRock-yhtye L.A. Gunsin laulaja Phil Lewis ja bändin toinen perustajajäsen Tracii Guns aikoo julkaista  yhteisen albumin L.A.Gunsin lisänimellä. Levy julkaistaan Frontiers Music Srl:n kautta kesäkuussa 2017.  Kitaristi Tracii Guns on kertonut seuraavaa tulevan albumin liittämisestä L.A. Gunsiin:

”When you put Phil and I together, that’s the sound of L.A. GUNS. There’s no way around that. As much as I love certain other [former] members of the band, it’s hard to say what their contribution to the overall sound of the band was — but Phil Lewis and Tracii Guns, the band’s gotta be L.A. GUNS. It can’t be anything else.”

Guns kertoi myös, ettei hänellä ole aikomusta soittaa rumpali Steve Rileyn kanssa, joka jatkaa Phil Lewisin kanssa L.A. Gunsin toisessa versiossa.

””Without going into details, it’s just…You’re supposed to be brothers in a band like that, and we were in that last crew of… A band of brothers; you fight it out together. You’ve got each other’s back. And when the trust is broken, that’s it, man,” he said. ”Later, dude.”

Tracii Guns ei kertonut tarkempaa syytä miksi hänen ja rumpalin välit eivät ole kunnossa. Hän kommentoi ainoastaan olevansa valmis palaamaan yhteen Rileyn kanssa, mikäli tämä tarjoaisi tarpeeksi rahaa.

”Believe me, I’d love someone to come up to me and say, ’Hey, we can set your kid up and your great grandchildren up for the rest of their lives by getting Steve Riley back with all the original guys of L.A. GUNS, I’m not stupid; I’d be, like, ’Yeah, okay.’ But that’s in no way a reality in any universe.”

Tulevasta albumista kitaristi sanoi:

”We are nostalgia. The fact that we’re making a record is killer, and I know that L.A. GUNS fans and people that like our kind of heavier music are gonna love it.”
”L.A. GUNS I never looked at as a hobby, so I’m certainly not going to now. If I’m gonna write music with Phil Lewis with the L.A. GUNS name on it, it’s gonna be taken very seriously by me personally, and I will strive to make those shows and this record and whatever the future is, you know, what I feel is the best thing for the band and the audience. And this is really the only band I’ve ever felt that way about — that I’ve gotta take care of it; I’ve gotta do what I think is right for it. Especially at this point, because if this is the last record that Phil and I ever do, well, that would be pretty damn good, because it would suck to leave it on a mediocre note.”

