Linkin Parkin uusi albumi ”One More Light” julkaistiin tänään: albumi kuunneltavissa kokonaisuudessaan

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 19.5.2017

Yhdysvaltalainen rockyhtye Linkin Park on julkaissut tänään uuden ”One More Light” -nimisen albuminsa Warner Musicin kautta. Yhtyeen tuore albumi on nyt löytänyt tiensä Youtubeen kokonaisuudessaan kuunneltavaksi ja voit kuunnella albumin tästä:

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Yhtye on itse kertonut albumista seuraavaa:

“When we sit in a room together, writing a song, the rest of the world often disappears. We’ll do whatever it takes in service of the music. The six of us are avid listeners and have a lot of opinions. From brainstorms to arguments, wild experiments to meticulous details, we focus an intense amount of energy into each song.

We often compare our process to digging a tunnel. We go underground for months at a time, thrashing around in the dark, looking for something new and unexpected. We have our ideas about where we’re going, but usually, there’s really no telling where we’ll end up until we get there.

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One More Light took over a year to make. Each song started with the question, “what do we want to sing about today?” In starting with the content of each song, the album became anchored by our stories. Over the course of the year, our lives took twists and turns, for better and worse. More than ever, the content of our album was shaped by the content of our lives.

And as we “dug the tunnel” of this album, life kept happening. There were celebrations, mistakes, accidents, recoveries. Relationships began and ended; babies were born and people died. We were reminded that, while we’re at the mercy of the world around us, sometimes the only thing we have control over is our reaction.

In a sense, this became the light at the end of our tunnel.

In putting the words first, this album opened its doors to the world outside. One More Light is full of personal stories, and perspectives we’re still figuring out. We dug through our lives as friends, fathers, brothers, and bandmates. Each song is a snapshot in time, crafted with care, shared with the hope that someone listening will find themselves saying, “me too.”

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To us, listening is an act of generosity. Thank you for your generosity, and thank you for being part of the Linkin Park community. Welcome to One More Light.

Brad, Chester, Dave, Joe, Mike, and Rob“

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