Lordi julkaisemassa uutta levyään syyskuussa

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 11.6.2016

Lordi 2015Tsekkiläinen Spark-lehti haastatteli kotimaisen heavy rockia soittavan Lordin nokkamies Mr. Lordia liittyen yhtyeen seuraavaan albumiin, joka oli tarkoitus julkaista jo toukokuussa, mutta myöhästyi syyskuuhun asti. Mies kertoo albumista seuraavaa:

”We are trying to do something different within the LORDI frame this time. It’s like a split album between ourselves.

”There’s two kinds of LORDI material on the album. The first six songs are your classic LORDI kind of stuff — three- or four-minute songs with hooky choruses and stuff; eighties-orientated hard rock, like the shit that we’re doing. That’s our main stuff. But now, the last six songs of the album is gonna be a story.

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”It’s our first conceptual half an album — not a full conceptual album, but half of the album is a conceptual storyline with six songs. And musically, also, it’s a lot more modern for us; I mean, it’s nothing new in the world of music, but, for us, for LORDI, it’s completely different. It’s more metal. It’s more progressive. The songs are eight minutes long, and there are a lot of different parts. And it’s a storyline. Because I’m a huge KING DIAMOND fan; I have always been.

”I am really fucking thrilled about the result, how it came out. It’s different for us. I know that it’s gonna be different for the LORDI diehard fans too. I don’t know for your average rock or metal fan. It’s, like, ’Eh….’ But, for us, it is really breaking new territory, definitely.”

Uuden levyn sanoitusten teemasta hän kertoi:

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”It’s a horror story. It’s called ’Demonarchy’. It has, like, these classic old-school monsters having rivals… They are having territorial rivals. There’s one vampire, one witch, on zombie, and a werewolf. And they are having a bit of a dispute about how to share their territory, because they all live in the same town. That’s the story.”

Lisäksi hän vahvisti yhtyeen ottavan jälleen käyttöönsä uudet esiintymisasut, kun uusi levy ilmestyy, ja kertoi myös levyn julkaisun myöhästymisestä:

”Like on every album, we do new masks and costumes.

”They are actually in the works right now.

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”It was really shitty that the timing was overflapping now. ’Cause originally we were supposed to be in the studio [to record the new album] already in December [2015]. Then we were supposed to have the album out already in May, last month. But then my father died two weeks before the studio [was scheduled to start], so everything [got pushed back]. And then there was the Christmas break and the fucking New Year, and we lost our original producer, Mikko Karmila, who was supposed to do it. And then we were kind of, like, ’Oh, what the hell do we do now?’ So, well, we found Nino Laurenne, who actually produced ’Deadache’ eight years ago, nine years ago or something, which was fucking awesome to go back to the same studio. So it will come out in September. So, of course, now the timeline was, all of a sudden, really pushing. So that means that at the same time we were in the studio, I had to start doing the new costumes and masks. But they are almost done; they’re 98 percent done now.

”It’s cool, actually. The new costumes are also something different. Like I said, the album is like a split album with ourselves. The costumes are gonna be split in half too. There’s this half and that half, so there’s something new also in the costumes. It’s like two different versions of each character.”

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