Misfitsin klassinen kokoonpano haluaa paluunsa jatkuvan vielä pidempäänkin

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 6.9.2016

Misfits reunionHorror punkin legenda Misfitsin klassisen kokoonpanon jäsenet Glenn Danzig (laulu), Jerry Only (basso) ja Doyle Wolfgang von Frankenstein (kitara) soittivat 4.9. ensimmäisen paluukeikkansa Denverissä Coloradossa järjestetyssä Riot Fest -tapahtumassa mm. Slayerista tutun rumpali Dave Lombardon kanssa. Only on nyt kertonut Rolling Stone -lehdelle yhtyeen aikovan jatkaa paluuta vielä jo varmistetun seuraavan keikan jälkeen. Hän kommentoi aihetta seuraavasti:

”I want it to continue. I know Doyle wants it to continue. I know Glenn wants it to continue. We just have to be big enough people to make it continue. And that’s where we’re at. Whatever it takes. We’re going into our 40th anniversary so the timing couldn’t be more perfect. Eventually, Doyle’s got to write a new album; I’ve got to write a new album; Glenn’s got to write a new album. Why don’t we work together and make the greatest album ever? Now we’ve got different elements. We’ve got Doyle playing more of a metal kind of thing. We’ve got Dave, who we’re trying to figure out what the fuck he’s doing. And Glenn’s got his own thing. And Acey [Slade, second guitar] fills in good too. And I’ve got the band where it is today. So it’s a matter of remolding and using all the different elements that I’ve got.”

Kysyttäessä onko hän keskustellut Danzigin kanssa uuden Misfits-albumin tekemisestä, Only vastasi:

”I think it’s got to evolve naturally. The thing is we’ve tried to plan things and then we stand there and wait and as it comes we’ll just do it. When we go back — I don’t know about Glenn — but I canceled our touring and everything for this so I’m going to go home and write and lift.”

Dave Lombardon kanssa työskentelyä hän kommentoi seuraavasti:

”Obviously there’s a little transitional period for Dave coming from a thrash-metal background with SLAYER or even SUICIDAL TENDENCIES. Dave is molding into this Fifties atomic-punk band. He needs to learn the fine elements of our songs. When he gets that, we’ll be good. Doyle was happy with him today… Because Doyle was, like, ’Dave really doesn’t know our material but he wasn’t a fanboy.’ That was one of the things I liked about him. So if we move forward as a unit and start writing new albums with somebody like Dave, we’ve got a drummer who’s from a different place; we might add a different element into our mixture. You feel him build the energy level. I like playing with him. And he’s a nice guy.”

