Nummirockiin saapuvan Sodomin kokoonpano uusiksi

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 5.1.2018

Tänä kesänä Nummirockiin saapuva saksalainen thrash metal -veteraani Sodom aikoo uudistaa kokoonpanonsa keulahahmo Tom Angelripperia lukuunottamatta. Angelripper on julkaissut aiheesta virallisen tiedotteen ja voit lukea sen tästä:

”After much thought and reflection I have decided on this difficult step to pave the way for new challenges. Sodom have always lived off the commitment and passion of everybody involved. Makka was part of the band for almost eight years, Bernemann even for more than twenty. To obviate a possible routine setting in which would make it impossible to continue our creative work optimally, I would like to start all over again with fresh and hungry musicians. At the same time I would like to say thank you to Bernemann and Makka for many successful years in which we performed fantastic shows and released a number of real metal manifestos.”

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