Nyt se on varmaa: Axl Rose liittyi AC/DC:n riveihin
Uutisoimme sivustollamme maaliskuun 29. päivä Guns N´ Rosesin vokalistin Axl Rosen lähdöstä pois AC/DC:n harjoituksista joista alkoi heti spekulaatio, että Axl Rose olisi nimetty Brian Johnsonin korvaajaksi yhtyeen uran viimeisille keikoille. AC/DC on julkaissut aiheesta seuraavanlaisen virallisen tiedotteen kiittäen Brian Johnsonia pitkästä urasta yhtyeen solistina:
”AC/DC band members would like to thank Brian Johnson for his contributions and dedication to the band throughout the years. We wish him all the best with his hearing issues and future ventures.
”As much as we want this tour to end as it started, we understand, respect and support Brian’s decision to stop touring and save his hearing. We are dedicated to fulfilling the remainder of our touring commitments to everyone that has supported us over the years, and are fortunate that Axl Rose has kindly offered his support to help us fulfill this commitment.”