Sister Sin lopettaa (2002-2015)

Kirjoittanut Jyri Kinnari - 7.11.2015

sister sinRuotsalainen hard rock/heavy metal -yhtye Sister Sin on ilmoittanut lopettavansa. Yhtyeen Facebook-sivulle postatussa tiedotteessa kerrotaan, että jäsenet ovat itsekin hieman yllättyneitä. Tarkoitus oli pitää taukoa kahdeksan viikon ajan, mutta lopulta tauko johti lopettamispäätökseen. Tiedotteessa sanotaan Sister Sinin levytys- ja keikkatahdin olleen niin raju, että kynttilä paloi niin sanotusti molemmista päistä. Kun vihdoin oli tilaisuus katsoa asiaa eri näkökulmasta, kaikki bändin jäsenet eivät olleet enää motivoituneita jatkamaan. Kaikkien jäsenten allekirjoittaman tiedotteen lopuksi kiitetään faneja ja yhteistyökumppaneita.

As of today, November 7th 2015, SISTER SIN is no more.

We know this may come as a surprise to many of you; honestly, it kinda took us by surprise too.
What was supposed to be a short eight weeks break, suddenly & unfortunately, turned in to the demise of the band.
-We have been touring and recording in a relentless schedule since 2008 and I guess we burned the candle in both ends and hit a wall. When we finally had the opportunity to step back and get some perspective, the motivation for some members in the band just wasn’t there any more…

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Would like to take this opportunity and thank our beloved road crew, Victory Rec, Danger Music, Artery Foundation, TKO & all other great people and companies we worked with these past seven years as a professional touring act.

Most of all we would like to thank YOU; Our dedicated, devoted, loving and caring fans around the globe! We´ve truly been blessed to be able to travel the world and meet so very many of you Sinners. -Together we managed to sell tens of thousands of albums and achieve what most young bands only can dream of in this day and age.
You truly are the sole reason we pushed on for as long as we did and we will cherish the memories forever and never forget your unconditional love!

It is our hope that the flame will burn once again and hopefully resurrect this Swedish bastard sometime in the future. Time will tell…

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For now; Au Revoir

Dave, Liv, Jimmy, Strand.

sister sin

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