Stick To Your Guns Pure Noise Recordsille: yhtye julkaisi uuden kappaleen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 9.7.2016

Stick To Your GunsYhdysvaltalainen hardcorea soittava Stick To Your Guns on kiinnitetty Pure Noise Recordsille. Yhtye aikoo julkaista uuden EP:n vielä tämän vuoden aikana. Voit lukea yhtyeen viestin sopimukseen liittyen sekä kuunnella uuden kappaleen nimeltä ”Universal Language” bändiltä tästä:

“I can say with a straight face and whole heart that for the first time STYG now belongs to a label that not only we believe is one of the very few relevant labels in underground music, but a label that truly believes in us and what we do. We can talk about logical next steps for the band and we can talk about what an opportunity it is for us, but none of that really matters to me.

What matters is that we work with someone who gets what we are trying to do and who will nurture and support those goals. Jake and Pure Noise have always done that. Even before we were part of the “PN Family” he made us feel like we were. I guess it’s just official now. I’m very much looking forward to what we can accomplish together.”

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Yhtye on itse kommentoinut kappaletta seuraavasti:

“We weren’t going to release this song until a later date but we decided that this would be a perfect time with what’s happening right now in America that has everyone’s attention.

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Let me first start off by saying I have been known to say a lot of harsh and disagreeable things about Police. A lot of what I say about them is emotional but none the less it’s what I think. I come from a family of military people and I have family in the San Antonio Police Department, and yes I still mean the things I say. I have a firm distrust and dislike for anyone who takes a role of authority or superiority over another life. It has been proven historically, socially, and scientifically that people with such strong positions of power WILL abuse them. However, this does not mean I wish harm or death upon ANYONE.

There is a problem in our country with how people in black and other communities of color are treated by law enforcement. As a white kid it is impossible for me to relate to this. Sure, I can spend all day imagining what it may be like, but the bottom line is I have not been met with even an ounce of the violence or hate that these communities have become accustomed to. I am a privileged individual and I won’t be guilty of it anymore. I will recognize my privilege and I will use it to stand against these obvious injustices that take place everyday.

This song is for Alton Sterling. This song is for Philando Castile. This song is for the individuals who were killed in Dallas. This song is for the 215 people who lost their lives in Baghdad on July 3rd. This song is for the people of Oaxaca, Mexico. This song is for the world who only communicates with violence and to those who only open their mouth when things get bloody. There is a better way and I am confident we will get there some day.”

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