Stone Temple Pilots hakee uutta vokalistia avoimella haulla

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 5.2.2016

Stone Temple Pilots 2015Yhdysvaltalainen rockyhtye Stone Temple Pilots on julkaissut omalla kotisivullaan virallisen viestin, jonka mukaan yhtye hakee uutta vokalistia riveihinsä bändin jättäneen Chester Benningtonin (Linkin Park) tilalle. Voit lukea yhtyeen virallisen viestin sekä videon aiheesta tästä:

”2016 marks a new year for STONE TEMPLE PILOTS… A year of hope, optimism, and most importantly, new music!

”We are immensely proud of all that we have been able to share with you over the years. Music, music, music. We very much want to continue doing that, but that’s going to take a little help from all of you.

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”As you know, prior to the untimely passing of our brother in arms, Scott, we had been working with the incomparable Chester Bennington. What you also likely know is that having Chester front two bands of this size and scope was too much for one man to be able to do and so regretfully we had to move onto a new chapter together. This is where you come in…

”We are officially announcing that we are seeking a new vocalist to front STONE TEMPLE PILOTS. We’ve already heard from many talented people, but want to make this an opportunity for many more so we’ve set up a way for you to do just that.

”If you think you have what it takes to front this band, record with this band, and tour with this band, we would dig hearing from you.

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”No one will ever ’replace’ Scott; that was never the intent. The intent is for STONE TEMPLE PILOTS to continue on, to evolve, and to do what we do… make music!

”We look forward to seeing you.”