Strapping Young Ladin ja Devin Townsend Projectin muusikot lyöttäytyivät yhteen perustamaan ”raskaamman kuuloisen” yhtyeen

Kirjoittanut Samuel Järvinen - 13.3.2018

Kanadalaisen kitaravirtuoosin, Devin Townsendin luotsaamista Devin Townsend Projectista ja Strapping Young Ladista tutut muusikot ovat kokoontuneet yhteen perustamaan uuden yhtyeen. Devinin rumpali Ryan Van Poederooyen julkisti asian kuvaillen bändiä ”raskaamman kuuloiseksi”. Yhtye koostuu tällä hetkellä Jed Simonista (ex- Strapping Young Lad, Scar The Martyr), Brian ”Beav” Waddellista (Devin Townsend Project), Bryn Stroudista (ex-Strapping Young Lad) sekä Ryan Van Poederooyenista (Devin Townsend Project). Porukassa on mukana myös laulaja, jonka identiteetti ilmoitetaan lisäinfon kera 14. päivä maaliskuuta. Poederooyen kertoo:

“We would like to announce our 2nd Guitar Player of this brand new band. It is none other than, Mr. Jed Simon of Strapping Young LadZimmers HoleScar the Martyr and Vimic acclaim. The majority of you all were hoping for Jed ‘Fucking’ Simon and now it’s a reality. Jed joining the band was an obvious choice after Brian ‘Beav’ Waddell, Byron Stroud and I decided we were going to do a heavier sounding band.

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Jed was our first, and really, our only choice. We didn’t think of anyone past Jed, because it made so much sense to have him involved for many reasons… He writes memorable, bad ass riffs, Byron and Jed have played together forever, we’re all great friends, and his personality along with his ‘team comes first’ attitude, fits in exactly with what we’re doing. Beav, Byron and I are stoked to have Mr. Metal on board. Prepare your best Taco for, Jedwhen we come to a city near you!!!!

Thanks to all of you for your incredible support, comments and general excitement for this band. You guys were calling for Jed a lot these past few days after, Byron was announced. We all had big grins on our faces knowing he was a part of this.

Next, we get to announce our singer on Wednesday. The guesses for this will be very interesting to see… all I can say is that he really blew us away with his voice on our demos. This guy is the real deal and the perfect fit for the music we’re playing! Who could it be ? Find out on Wednesday!

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Lastly, we will be announcing the name of the band, shortly after our singer is announced and then much more info to come. Please spread the news, share it and let people know about the metal that’s about to ensue! We’re stoked and we’re looking forward to giving you EVERY reason to be stoked with us! Stay posted…. – RVP”