Suomessa hiljattain vieraillut Paul Di’Anno sairaalaan: miehen keikat Brasiliassa kesäkuussa peruuntuvat

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 14.5.2016

pauldiannoarchitectsteeaser2015_638Suomessakin hiljattain kiertueella vieraillut Iron Maidenin entisenä laulajana parhaiten tunnettu Paul Di´Anno on kiidätetty sairaalaan ilmeisesti äkillisen sairauskohtauksen seurauksena. Miehen tila on sen verran vakava, että kesäkuuksi kaavailtu kiertue Brasiliassa tulee peruuntumaan sen seurauksena. Brasilialainen Blog n Roll Productions on julkaissut aiheesta virallisen viestin ja voit sen lukea tästä:

“It is with great regret that we are obliged to inform all the indefinite delay of the tour Paul Di’Anno in Brazil next June. Paul is in hospital and this morning, we were told directly by him that his health condition is in extremely delicate moment. Investigations are being made to obtain an accurate diagnosis, but there is no deadline for this diagnosis, proper treatment required and the period of the recovery.

We work with Paul last year and all we can say is that it was fantastic with all the people involved in the tour. He became friends with everyone and we are very saddened by the news. We want to see it again on the road as soon as possible.

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We are available to clarify issues related to the marked shows (where all their contractors and local partners have been duly warned by us throughout the day) and we understand in the sense that we will not delve into in relation to health Paul. This is a private matter and such details not up to us, but only to him.

Grateful for the understanding of all,
Blog n Roll Productions”

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