The Facelessin rivit romahtivat – kaikki paitsi Michael Keene jättivät yhtyeen

Yhdysvaltalaisen teknistä death metalia esittävän The Facelessin muusikot ovat jättäneet yhtyeen ja sen johtohahmon Michael Keenen. Yhtyeen toisena laulajana toiminut Ken ”Sorceron” Bergeron erosi yhtyeestä, koska ei enää jaksanut ”stressiä ja ahdistusta, jota yhtyeessä oleminen tuotti”. Kenin koko lausunto alla:
“For reasons that are easy for anyone with internet access to guess I would like to announce that I am leaving The Faceless. While I will miss playing with my boys Justin McKinney and Bryce Butler and some good times have been had over the last two years, the bad times have definitely overshadowed the good.
“I have no ill will towards the band or their manager Ej Shannon who really did his best to help the band recover over the last couple years and wish everyone the best. But without going into any details publicly I think it’s no secret that there are some deep seeded problems and I know [sic] longer want the stress and anxiety that comes along with being in the band.
“I’ll be putting my full focus back into Abigail Williams and The Accuser as I am finishing up new records for both bands over the next couple months.”
Yhtyeen kitaristi Justin McKinney julkaisi seuraavan lausunnon erostaan:
After dealing with The Faceless for roughly 4 years now, I have decided that I need to remove myself from the band, it is not easy doing this, but being treated the way we have over the years it’s just something I can’t take anymore. I am not going publicly into detail, but if you have access to the internet it should be apparent whats going on here. It’s been super fun and incredible touring and playing alongside Ken Sorceron, Bryce Butler and Chason West. We all had high hopes in repairing the band, worked hard and dealt with things we shouldn’t have and E.J. Shannon Management really busted his ass to do so as well, I love all those guys and I wish them nothing but the best. But I need to push forward and focus on the reason why I even do this, and that is The Zenith Passage. I’ll see you all soon.
Yhtyeen rumpali Bryce Butler oli erossaan hieman suorempi:
Michael Keene kertoo, että on parhaillaan palkkaamassa yhtyeeseen uusia jäseniä, eikä yhtään keikkaa tulla perumaan:
“I would like to publicly address the situation that The Faceless is currently in. I will keep this short and sweet:
My manager and I have been talking to new members for all of the positions that have been left empty today. We are currently confirming a lineup with some of the best, most creative and technically proficient musicians of the extreme metal genre. We will not be canceling any shows.
–Michael Keene“
My manager and I have been talking to new members for all of the positions that have been left empty today. We are currently confirming a lineup with some of the best musicians of the extreme metal genre. We will not be canceling any shows.
-Michael Keene
— The Faceless (@THEFACELESSband) March 20, 2018