36 Crazyfists vokalistilta päivitys yhtyeen uuteen albumiin liittyen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 30.3.2013

36 CrazyfistsYhdysvaltalaisen metallia soittavan 36 Crazyfistsin vokalisti Brock Lindow on laittanut verkkoon virallisen päivityksen liittyen yhtyeen tulevaan albumiin. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Brockin viesti levyyn liittyen.

“What the F is up brothers and sisters!!!!!!! The writing is nearly complete and Holt and the boys turned out the most righteous of tunes this side of Mordor!!!! I’ve got a few more songs to write to and Blammmmo this mutha will be done. Recording will be under way in the near future with our Captain High Holtage manning the ship. It will be the first record for Kyle Baltus and I can’t wait for you all to hear his addition to the band!!! The Bear of course is out of hibernation and laying down the low lows like no other bear ever!!!! Touring, you ask..indeed!!! Thank you family for your Loyalty, we love all of you and can’t wait to see you all soon. Respect. Brock 36CF”

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