5FDP:n Zoltan Bathory vertaa Metallican kanssa kiertämistä kokonaisen kaupungin siirtelyyn
Five Finger Death Punch esiintyy sunnuntaina Metallican lämppärinä Helsingin Olympiastadionilla. Yhtye on kiertänyt Metallican matkassa jo jonkin aikaa, ja yhtyeen kitaristi Zoltan Bathory kertoi hiljattain saksalaisen Rock Antennen haastattelussa, millaisia järjestelyjä se vaatii. Zoltan Bathory kertoi muun muassa, että kiertueaikataulusta ollaan tietoisia pariksi vuodeksi etukäteen normaalin aikataulun ollessa noin vuoden, koska Metallican kokoinen tuotanto vastaa käytännössä kokonaisen kaupungin muuttamista paikasta toiseen ympäri maailmaa.
Zoltan Bathory kertoi aikatauluista:
”About a year. Yeah, about a year. Sometimes, like, for example, the METALLICA tour, that was a two-year schedule. So the moment we were announcing what’s happening with METALLICA, we knew our schedule for two years ahead. ’Cause you’re moving an entire city around the world, like trucks and hundreds of people — I mean, it’s a big production moving around the world — so the logistics… And nothing can fail — nothing can fail. One mistake can end the show. So these things have to be planned out, and that takes time.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”Usually, we have about one year, maybe 18 months that we see what’s happening in 18 months. That’s about it. That’s the schedule. Now, as for what we’re gonna do, I could probably tell you, like, what our next record and the record after that will be, and that’s like about a six-year schedule. We kind of have an idea of what we’re gonna do, what we wanna talk about.”
Aiemmin tänä vuonna Zoltan Bathorylta kysyttiin, millaista Metallican kanssa on ollut keikkailla. Bathoryn mukaan se on ollut upeaa, ja yhtye on saanut paljon lisää kuulijoita:
”That’s great. Eighty, ninety thousand people in a stadium, that’s massive. And it’s one of those things where, obviously, we have a big fanbase that overlaps. So, METALLICA is such a huge band; they had four decades to gain that fanbase, so you’re gonna have three generations of people in there. And it’s such a big band now that — and in some ways they’re growing, believe it or not, METALLICA, still; it’s crazy. And so it’s such a big band that even if you’re not necessarily into metal, you’ve gotta come; you have to come and see. And so that means there are gonna be a lot of people in that arena that, hearing a band named FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH, they’re probably not gonna give us a chance because they have no idea what that would be. So that means that we are playing to a substantial amount of people who never heard of us before. And I can tell that we’re turning them, I can tell, especially after the show. You can definitely see it, because we have, obviously, statistics and online we can measure that. After every show, there’s a jump in visitors and a jump in downloads and a jump in statistics, so I know that we’re hitting a massive amount of people with that.”