90-luvun kulttiyhtye Cemetary levytyssopimukseen: uusi albumi tulossa
Ruotsalainen 90-luvulla kulttimaineessa ollut metalliyhtye Cemetary on solminut sopimuksen Atomic Fire Recordsin kanssa. Bändin nokkamiehen Mathias Lodmalmin mukaan yhtye tulee julkaisemaan tulevan ”Come To Ruin” -albuminsa myöhemmin tänä vuonna.
”After several decades in the wilderness, CEMETARY finally arrives home at Atomic Fire Records. For better or for worse, I have always gone my own way and rolled the bones as they may. Roughly a decade ago, I started crafting a sound that came to be the upcoming album Come To Ruin. Working with a label was never a thought, quite the opposite. But when I heard the rumblings from Donzdorf, it pulled me in, and what I saw was the finest team in metal today.
“To finally be able to work with people as passionate as myself is a true blessing. I am forever grateful. Old titles will come back to life with the highest production values possible. Not only one, but two new albums are being prepared to usher in the apocalypse with a ferocity never before heard from the band. This has been a long time coming – plans are best laid. Thanks to all who patiently waited and kept CEMETARY alive by tuning into the sound.”
Mathias LodmalmArtikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy