Two Minutes To Late Night -ohjelman juontaja coveroi Soundgardenin ”Fourth of July” -kappaletta yhdessä Mutoid Manin, Chelsea Wolfen sekä Fucked And Boundin jäsenten kanssa

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 5.7.2020

Yhdysvaltalainen talk show -ohjelma Two Minutes To Late Night julkaisi videon, jossa metalhenkisen ohjelman juontaja Jordan Olds coveroi SoundgardeninFourth Of July” -kappaletta yhdessä Mutoid Manista ja Cave Inista tutun laulaja-kitaristi Stephen Brodskyn, Chelsea Wolfen rumpali Jess Gowrien sekä Fucked And Boundin basisti Rah Davisin kanssa.

Yhteinen coveri julkaistiin Yhdysvaltojen itsenäisyyspäivänä 4. heinäkuuta.

“We covered the best Soundgarden song about Chris Cornell‘s favorite Oliver Stone movie. But seriously, The Fourth of July is a flawed holiday. To quote public affairs professor Peniel Joseph, America is ’a country that continues to dishonor the sacrifices made by African American soldiers and ordinary citizens who bled for democracy in international conflicts and on domestic home fronts that denied them citizenship and dignity.’ This is not a day for celebration as long as the police keep murdering black people without facing justice. Luckily, this song is about an acid trip.

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This is our twelfth bedroom cover made with the support of Patreon. With so many musicians stuck at home with no outlets, we’re going to keep producing these style videos and use the Patreon to give some money to everyone who has a part in them. Please support our friends by donating to our newly redone Patreon at“

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