A Killer’s Confession (ex-Mushroomhead) julkaisi musiikkivideon kappaleelleen ”Angel On The Outside”

Kirjoittanut Samuel Järvinen - 29.3.2018

Yhdysvaltalainen, entisen Mushroomhead-laulaja Waylon Reavisin luotsaama A Killer’s Confession julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon kappaleelleen ”Angel On The Outside”. Reavis kertoo:

“This song is about a transition I went through in my life. Out from the last phase and into this exciting new phase! This video shows how decisions can change the course of your life forever – sometimes for good and sometimes bad. Sometimes we have to live with things we have done and we are stuck remembering what you’ve done and wishing you could change it and how we can learn from our actions and make better choices every day.”

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