A389 Recordings lopettanut toimintansa
Yhdysvaltojen Marylandissa toiminut A389 Recordings -yhtiö kertoo lopettaneensa toimintansa. Yhtiö oli toiminnassa yhteensä 14 vuotta, ja sitä johti Integrity -yhtyeen kitaristi Domenic Romeo. Yhtiö julkaisi artisteja, kuten Full Of Hell, Iron Reagan, Eyehategod ja The Black Dahlia Murder. Verkkokauppansa sulkenut yhtiö myy kuitenkin joitakin tuotteita vielä Bandcamp- ja Discogs -tileillään. Romeo kertoo sulkemisesta:
“Closed down the official A389 webstore today. Most of our titles are out of print / won’t be repressed save for a few popular ones that will be available via distributors / stores. It’s been a wild ride from operating out of the bedroom of my old house to two huge storage units to the final spot in my current basement.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyMost of the stuff is gone and can be picked up via Cobraside Distribution Inc.RevHQ.com and State of Mind Records / Distro or of course from the bands themselves.
A few things will still be available on our bandcamp page and our discogs page as well as on across all digital platforms. (working on redirecting the websites)
Thank you to all our customers and bands for the insane 14+ years of love and support. Most of our active bands bands have since released music on the best label going: Relapse Records.
So yeah that’s it. As for me, it’s been a wild ride and I’ve been enjoying the quiet. Catch me playing in INTEGRITY if we’re in your neck of the woods. See you around <3
A389 Recordings 2004-2018″