Abacinaten laulaja on kuollut

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 30.9.2010

Yhdysvaltalaisen death metal -yhtyeen Abacinaten laulaja Jason Sica on kuollut julkaisemattomasta syystä. Hän oli kuollessaan 25 vuotias ja kuolemapaikkana toimi hänen ystävänsä asunto. Lue lisää nähdäksesi bändin virallisen tiedotteen asiasta.

Abacinate is incredibly sad to announce that on Tuesday morning, September 28th 2010, our vocalist Jason ’Plunger’ Sica, 25, was found dead. He died at the home of one of his friends, in his hometown of Edison, New Jersey.
Jason was a dear friend and a true brother to all of us. He was an amazing talent, a loving personality, and a true gentleman with a heart of gold. The remaining members of Abacinate are deeply, deeply saddened by his loss. Before his untimely demise, Jay was immortalized on our most recent recording. It is the first and only recording that will actually be released with Jay performing the vocal duties for Abacinate. The album, set to be released in late 2010, is dedicated to Jay and all of his loved ones.

Although Jay was only a member of the Abacinate roster for about one year, we soared to new heights together, and experienced much success and prosperity that we had yet to achieve in the prior years of our existence as a band. Jay had the pleasure of doing two U.S. tours, many festivals, and an LP with us during his short run. We are very proud and honored that we were such a huge part of his life.

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As of right now, Abacinate plans on taking a short hiatus in order to collect our thoughts and get through this terrible time in a healthy way. We will having a benefit show for Jay, somewhere in NJ in the upcoming months , in order to raise funds for his family, and to say goodbye to him with the rest of the music community in a proper way. Details for this benefit show will be provided as we solidify the plans.

Jays’ family and all of us here at the Abacinate camp would like to express our appreciation to anyone and everyone who reached out to us during this difficult time to extend their sympathy. All the friends we have made on the road, the bands, and the fans have been so kind and loving. For that, we cannot thank you enough.

Our thoughts, wishes, and deepest sympathy go out to Jays’ family every moment of everyday. Rest In Peace Jay. You will NEVER be forgotten. Thank you for letting us be a part of your life. We love you Plunger.

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