Abigail Williams etsii uutta rumpalia
Yhdysvaltalainen black metallia soittava Abigail Williams etsii tällä hetkellä uutta rumpalia yhtyeen jättäneen Alan Cassidyn tilalle. Lue lisää nähdäksesi yhtyeen viesti asiaan liittyen.
“As some of you know our good buddy Alan Cassidy has been playing with The Black Dahlia Murder and though we are very happy for him this sadly puts Abigail Williams on the market for a new drummer. Before anyone even says anything he did not bail on us for a bigger band as some have in the past. I actually personally put the a good word in for him so we hold no animosity towards his decision whatsoever especially since it was made during a period when we were unsure about the future of AW.
Anyone interested in the drumming position can email us @ awdrummeraudition@gmail.com
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyVideo footage of you playing certain songs will be required and you must be familiar or capable of playing to a metronome both live and in the studio.”