Aborted joutuu perumaan osallistumisensa Napalm Deathin huhtikuun Yhdysvaltojen-kiertueelle: edessä taloudellinen ahdinko, johon bändi pyytää faneiltaan apua

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 23.3.2020

Hollantilainen death metal -yhtye Aborted on julkaissut virallisen tiedotteen, jonka mukaan se peruu osallistumisensa Napalm Deathin huhtikuussa alkavalle Yhdysvaltojen-kiertueelle. Bändi tulee joutumaan kiertueen peruuntumisen vuoksi taloudelliseen ahdinkoon, ja se pyytääkin nyt fanejaan tueksi tässä vaikeassa tilanteessa. Voit lukea bändin viestin tästä:

“Hey everyone,

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We wanted to give you guys some good news in these dark days but unfortunately seems like nothing is spared from the Covid-19 outbreak. Due to all the measures in place (which everyone should follow, mind you), we have to cancel our upcoming tour with Napalm death, Tombs and WVRM.

We feel that we as artists have to do our part as well in urging people to help flatten the curve and take part in social distancing for a while. In the meanwhile this leaves us, along with many others, with a huge financial deficit as our tour merch was already printed, plus work visas; flights; deposits etc were already paid for and it puts us in a very sh***y situation.

We won’t ever ask for a gofundme or anything from anyone. But if you planned on coming to one of the shows and get some merch and you want to support us if possible at all, you can now grab out tour merch from indiemerch and help us resolve this financial catastrophe.

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Now is the time to support the bands you love, support them by streaming their music; buying the records and merch as this will be the sole source of income for many of us for the unforeseeable future.

In the meantime we will be working on a tour to replace this one with when possible and write the next album while we are stuck at home like everyone else. Hoping all of you are safe and doing well, thank you in advance and take care of your loved ones.

Sven, Stefano, Ken, Ian & Harrison


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*Everything will start shipping next week, we are working through getting it in the system so they will show on pre-order at the moment*”