AC/DC:ssä soittanut Chris Slade on valmis hyppäämään jälleen yhtyeen mukaan, jos tarve vaatii: ”Olen aina valmis”

Kirjoittanut Janne Ollikainen - 25.6.2020

Australialaisen rockin legenda AC/DC:n riveissä vuosina 1989-1994 rumpaloinut Chris Slade on kertonut olevansa valmis liittymään yhtyeen riveihin, jos tarve vaatii. Hän palasi yhtyeeseen myös  vuonna 2015 yhtyeen kiertäessä ”Rock Or Bust” -albuminsa tiimoilta. Rumpali Phil Ruddin oli tuolloin syytettynä tappouhkauksesta ja huumausaineiden hallussapidosta. Slade kertoi Sonic Perspectives -medialle halukkuudestaan palata yhtyeen riveihin:

”I’m always ready to go. I love to travel, playing drums, and being on the road as not many people can say that. I hope I will be doing it for many more years.”

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Kysyttäessä, onko matkalaukku varmuuden vuoksi pakattu, mies kertoi:

”Believe it or not, it is! I haven’t unpacked my bag from the last Timeline show, which was early this year. There are still rolled up shirts and stage clothes in there. I never know when I will need it again.”

Slade on soittanut AC/DC:ssä sekä laulaja Brian Johnsonin että Axl Rosen kanssa. Kysyttäessä kemioista molempien kanssa Slade kertoi:

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”I think Brian was doing the best he possibly could do. I could hear him so well because I was using in-ear monitors. He didn’t sound anything like he thought he sounded. But of course, he felt really bad that he couldn’t do what he considered his best. I was shocked when he was no longer around. I was even more shocked when they said they were trying out Axl Rose. I was like, ’What?’ because I heard all the stories. Turns out he was the nicest guy, and when he started singing, I didn’t realize that he had that voice. He was phenomenal and could cover all the eras! He was never late for anything as AC/DC goes by the second, not the minute when they start a show. Only once did they not start a show on time in 45 years, and I happened to be in the band. It was due to an issue with Angus’s guitar not being set-up properly. As far as they were concerned, they have never been late on stage.”