Accept julkisti uudet jäsenensä

Kirjoittanut Jyri Kinnari - 12.4.2015

acceptblackbackground-1024x683Vuoden 2014 loppumetreillä uutisoimme vuonna 2009 uudelleenaktivoituneen Acceptin rumpali Stefan Schwartzmannin ja kitaristi Herman Frankin jättäneen yhtyeen. Accept on nyt valmis esittelemään uudet jäsenensä sopivasti ennen alkavaa kiertuettaan. Yhtyeen toisena kitaristina tulee toimimaan Uwe Lulis ja rumpalina Christopher Williams. Uusista jäsenistä kummallakaan ei ole aiempaa historiaa Acceptin kanssa, mutta Lulis on vaikuttanut mm. Rebellionissa ja Grave Diggerissä, kun taas Williams on soittanut mm. Kid Rockin kanssa. Accept esiintyy ensi kesänä Suomessa Radio City South Park ja Kuopio Rockcock -festivaaleilla.

ACCEPT… Wolf Hoffmann… Peter Baltes… Mark Tornillo… Uwe Lulis… Christopher Williams… proudly announce their upcoming BLIND RAGE TOUR 2015 Part II! See you in MEXICO, BRAZIL, GERMANY, GREECE, HUNGARY, POLAND, SLOVAKIA, FINLAND, CZECH REPUBLIC, SLOVENIA, FRANCE, SPAIN, AUSTRIA, DENMARK, SWEDEN, BELGIUM and MORE to come!
ACCEPT Band Photo 2015

ACCEPT – 2014 Was the Best Year in Their Career So Far!

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BLIND RAGE #1 on the sales charts in GERMANY & FINLAND.
Various entries in international Charts.
Winner of ALBUM OF THE YEAR categories in several countries by the strongest Metal Bibles in Europe, METAL HAMMER, HARD ROCK, SWEDEN ROCK #1.
45 shows in 20 countries.
SOLD OUT shows in 9 countries.
Headliner at most prestigious and talked about European Festivals including the Metal Paradise (with “special event show”) WACKEN OPEN AIR, WOODSTOCK and the amazing three quarter of a million fan strong 2014 a charity event for Children Hospitals in Poland.
Touring Europe, North America, Australia and Asia – 4 Continents in 2014 and not yet finished!

BLIND RAGE WORLD TOUR Part 2 is on the move again, returning to South America with OZZY OSBOURNE, KISS, JUDAS PRIEST, MOTORHEAD and many other GREATS! Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and MORE are already in their intense battle plan for 2015!

The PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE for ACCEPT was and still is beyond the band’s imagination, but not beyond their reach! We all know, they could not have come so far without their fans and the endless gifted people who are working so hard for ACCEPT! Thank you… to all of them from….. all of us with the promise, that we will come back – better and stronger and even more devoted than the last time!

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Uudet jäsenet esiintyvät Acceptin uudella musiikkivideolla, joka sisältää pätkän ”Blind Rage” -albumin ”Fall of the Empire” -kappaletta: