Acceptin kitaristi lupailee yhtyeen tulevaa albumia julkaistavaksi vuonna 2017

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 2.3.2016

Accept ja ykköskuvaSaksalaisen heavy metalin legendan Acceptin kitaristi Wolf Hoffmann on antanut hiljattain haastattelun Metal Rulesille, jossa mieheltä on udeltu suunnitelmia seuraavan Acceptin albumin suhteen. Wolf on haastattelussa sanonut yhtyeen julkaisevan uuden albuminsa vuoden 2017 aikana ja avannut aihetta hieman seuraavasti:

”It has always been the same formula for years, where Peter and I jam on ideas, add some scratch vocals then combine it with other elements of songs. We let it sit and simmer for a little while come back to it. It’s a piecemeal process that takes shape over a course of many weeks. Very seldom do we write a song after just one go at it. It’s always about coming back to it and going over it again and again. Once we have a demo that’s worth listening to, and an idea of what the songs is about, we give it to [singer] Mark Tornillo to write the lyrics and put his spin on it. It’s meant to be released in 2017. It’s always hard to plan these things. We made a mistake a few years back and committed to a date as the tour was booked and then had to scramble to finish the album. It wasn’t fun and we don’t want to do it again. We just want to work hard until we feel it’s ready.”

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