Acceptin Wolf Hoffmann hehkuttaa bändin nykyistä laulajaa Mark Tornilloa: ”Mark avasi meille useita ovia musiikillisesti”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 17.7.2016

Accept Live The Circus 2014Saksalaisen heavy metallin legendan Acceptin kitaristi Wolf Hoffmann on antanut hiljattain sooloalbumiinsa liittyen haastattelun Mitch Lafonin luotsaamalle ”One On One With Mitch Lafon” -nimiselle podcastille, jossa Wolf Hoffmannilta on kysytty bändin edistymisestä seuraavan albumin suhteen. Wolf Hoffmannin mukaan yhtyeellä on tarkoituksena saada albumi nauhoitettua ennen vuoden 2017 alkua. Albumin edistymisestä Wolf kertoi seuraavaa:

”Well, we are trying very hard right now to come up with enough songs to fill an album. Peter [Baltes, bass] are meeting all the time, and we’re just going through ideas that we’ve collected over time, and we’re writing new stuff all the time, and when we have enough, yes, we will call [producer] Andy Sneap, we will call the other guys — Mark [Tornillo, vocals] and everybody — and get ’em together and start working on recording the new album. Hopefully we’ll get it it done this year — that’s the goal — and then hopefully we’re gonna release it next year, in 2017.”

Kysyttäessä Wolfilta, että mitä bändissä vuodesta 2009 asti laulanut Mark Tornillo on tuonut yhtyeeseen yltyy Wolf kehumaan laulajaa seuraavasti:

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”He very much inspired us to write songs, because all of a sudden, he can pretty much sing anything we want him to do. With Udo [Dirkschneider, former ACCEPT singer], it was much more limited, what worked and what didn’t work. And Mark, man, anything Peter and I come up with, he can perform, and so that opened a lot of doors, musically, for us, and that inspired us totally. But, like I said before, we always try to stay close to what ACCEPT fans are wanting to hear from us, ’cause we could write a bunch of stuff that was left and right, genre-wise, but I’m not sure if fans would really appreciate it that much. And that’s also where Andy Sneap came in, especially during the ’Blood Of The Nations’ [2010] recording. He really, sort of, forced us more to stay true to the course. ’Cause he grew up being an ACCEPT fan and listening to the old albums, and he came in with an expectation, ’All right, we’re gonna make a great new ACCEPT album, but it’d better sound like I want it to sound as an ACCEPT fan.'”