Ace Frehley ei sulje pois mahdollisuutta palata vielä joskus KISS:n riveihin

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 20.3.2016

Ace Frehley 2016Yhdysvaltalaisen raskasta rockia soittavan Kissin alkuperäinen kitaristi Ace Frehley julkaisee covereita sisältävän uuden albumin nimeltä ”Origins Vol. 1” SPV Recordsin kautta 15. päivä huhtikuuta. Albumi sisältää kappaleen nimeltä ”Fire And Water” jolla laulaa Kissin tämän hetkinen vokalisti Paul Stanley. Ace Frehley on antanut hiljattain haastattelun albumistaan Mitch Lafonille, jossa Ace Frehleylta on kyselty mietteitä mahdollisesta paluusta takaisin Kissiin jossain vaiheessa. Ace on haastattelussa sanonut ettei sulje pois mahdollisuutta joskus palata yhtyeeseen. Voit lukea miehen ajatuksia tästä:

”It was really, actually, rather easy. And I originally had been trying to get Gene [Simmons, KISS bassist/vocalist] on the record, and he never got back to me; I guess he was tied up with one thing or another. But, you know, I said to myself, ’Let me give Paul a call.’ And I called Paul, and he picked up the phone right away, and I told him what I was doing, and he was very receptive from the very beginning about getting on the record. He said, ’Oh, that’ll be fun.’ And it took a while to figure out what song we were gonna track. It came down to two songs: we were either gonna do ’My Generation’ by THE WHO or ’Fire And Water’, and we both agreed ’Fire And Water’ would be a better song. And we just tracked it. It all came together. I didn’t actually see Paul, ’cause I was busy mixing and overdubbing, and he was very busy at the time, so we just forwarded him the basic tracks, and him and his engineer threw on the lead vocal, and while he was doing that, I was doing something else. And then we got it back, and I took it home with me and threw down the guitar solos. And it just kind of came together. It’s amazing how quickly and painlessly you can work these days with e-mails. You just fly stuff into Pro Tools and it pops up on the screen, and you’re good to go, as long as you know what you’re doing.”

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