Ace Frehley: ”Tuleva sooloalbumini saa Paul Stanleyn näyttämään imbesilliltä”
Yhdysvaltalaisen teatraalisen rockin suuruuden Kissin alkuperäinen kitaristi Ace Frehley on tehnyt menestyksekästä soolouraa jo useiden vuosikymmenten ajan. Frehley on antanut 93.5 FM MAX:lle hiljattain haastattelun, jossa on paljastanut saaneensa hiljattain valmiiksi seuraavan sooloalbuminsa nauhoitukset ja kitaristin mukaan levy tullaan antamaan levy-yhtiölle valmiina todennäköisesti huomenna 30. päivä lokakuuta mikäli albumin miksaus ja masterointi etenee suunnitelmien mukaisesti. Frehley kertoi albumista sekä sen teosta seuraavaa:
”My album is done and it’s being mastered as we speak. And if everything goes well over the weekend, the album is gonna be delivered to the record company Monday [October 30].”
”I think it may be the best album I’ve ever done to date. And it’s the first time I co-wrote most of the songs with Steve Brown from TRIXTER. He’s a great songwriter, and I’m a great songwriter, and we put our two heads together and songs come out doubly good. He also harmonizes perfectly with me.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”I’ve never really written with that many people — most of the songs I write by myself. I might get a little help from somebody, but this album pretty much is co-written by Steve and myself, almost every song. And it came out way better than I had anticipated. And the vocals are strong, the guitar solos are strong, the songs, the lyrics, the melodies, everything’s really powerful.”
Kysyttäessä Frehleyltä uskoiko hän koskaan, että hänen soolouransa tulisi kestämään näin kauan kertoi Frehley soolouran käynnistyneen varsin nihkeästi koska Gene Simmons sekä Paul Stanley tekivät kaikkensa hänen maineen pilaamiseksi mutta onneksi sooloura otti tuulta purjeiden alle. Frehley toteaa lisäksi haastattelussa hänen tulevan sooloalbumin tulevan tekemään Paul Stanleyn imbesilliksi, koska tämä mollasi hiljattaisessa The Howard Stern Show:n haastattelussa Frehleyn taitoja soittajana. Frehley avasi omaa soolouraansa ja sen kehittymistä seuraavasti:
”It was hard in the beginning, but now I’ve picked up a lot of steam. In fact, I remember when I first signed with eOne Music — now they sold the record company to MNRK Music Group, and I’m still working with the same people — but I remember the guy that got me signed to the label, he told me that, before [2009’s] ’Anomaly’ came out, he said a lot of people said to him, ’You’re not even gonna get the record.’ Because [KISS founders] Paul [Stanley] and Gene [Simmons] have pretty much tried to destroy my credibility by calling me a drunk and a drug addict and somebody who’s not dependable. But if that were the case, how did I make five albums? And I’ve been touring steadily for the last 10 years plus. It doesn’t make any sense. They contradict themselves all the time. Now they’re putting me down and saying if I came up and played with them on the farewell tour, it would mar their performance. Paul said on ’The Howard Stern Show’, you might as well call the band PISS instead of KISS if I got up on stage with them. Well, when this album comes about, it’s gonna make him look like an imbecile.”