Acherontas julkaisee seuraavan albuminsa ensi vuoden alussa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 12.10.2014

Acherontas 2014Kreikkalainen black metallia soittava Acherontas on asettanut seuraavan albuminsa nimeksi ”Ma Ion – Formulas of Reptilian Unification”. Yhtyeen seuraava albumi tullaan julkaisemaan vuoden 2015 alussa W.T.C. Productionssin kautta. Yhtye on kommentoinut tulevaa albumiaan seuraavasti:

”The Typhonian tradition is reflected upon our upcoming Grand Working bearing the name Ma Ion – Formulas of Reptilian Unification. All recordings finished. Now the album is in the hands of Abgrund Studio in Germany for mix and mastering. Our coven is honored by great artists and individuals. We are proud to have among us and feast at her salted waters: TT (Abigor), AR-Ra’d al-Iblis (Nightbringer), Nebiros (Ofermod/Malign), Indra (Naermataron/Tatir), Edgar Kerval (Emme Ya), and Jhon Longshaw (Black Seas of Infinity). With this new opus, we reached new fields of creation, musically and spiritually. Our mission was to create a path to rise the subconscious of the Mortal upon other planes of existence. To dream in ecstasy, to feast in orgy, and to rise the potential of the Mortal to feel behind the skin of matter…for these are not just words, but shells that form in flesh and blood.”

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