Act Of Defiance kiinnitetty Metal Blade Recordsille
Yhdysvaltalaisesta thrash metal -legenda Megadethista hiljattain eronneet kitaristi Chris Broderick sekä rumpali Shawn Drover ovat antaneet uuden yhtyeensä nimeksi Act Of Defiance. Yhtye on siirtynyt hiljattain studioon yhdessä tuottaja Zeussin (Rob Zombie, Hatebreed) kanssa nauhoittamaan debyyttialbumiaan, joka tullaan julkaisemaan vuoden 2015 kesällä. Samassa yhtye on ilmoittanut solmineensa sopimuksen Metal Blade Recordsin kanssa, joka tulee julkaisemaan yhtyeen debyyttialbumin. Voit lukea yhtyeen jäsenten mietteitä sopimuksesta sekä katsoa pienen trailerin bändiltä tästä:
Chris Broderick on kommentoinut sopimusta Metal Blade Recordsin kanssa seuraavasti:
”I am so excited to finally be able to announce ACT OF DEFIANCE to the world. Shawn just finished tracking drums the first week of February and his performance and tones are simply incredible. I have started tracking rhythms and leads, as well as working with Henry to get final vocal takes while Matt will record bass at his studio. The final mix and mastering will also be handled by Chris Harris.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”I am also very honored to announce that we have signed with Metal Blade Records. There is not a better label to be on than one where the employees (and owner) still understand and listen to METAL! They have shown a loyalty, backing and drive for their artists that few other labels have. As for our music, I am really enjoying the ability to create what is a killer mix of thrash and modern metal. It has a unique combination ranging from thrash to classical influences. I am very proud of what we have written and hope that you all dig it.”
”Having our new band, ACT OF DEFIANCE, sign with Metal Blade Records is a real thrill for me. I started my musical career with Brian Slagel and the Metal Blade family many years ago, so to come full circle at this point is a real musical home-coming, of sorts. I couldn’t be happier about that.
”What thrills me the most is the fact that myself, Chris Broderick, Henry Derek and Matt Bachand all have in common is that from the get-go, we wanted this band to be 100% PURE Heavy Metal! No compromises, no ulterior motives other than making the best HEAVY METAL music we can. Metal Blade shares this vision, which really puts us all on the same page, musically.”
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Matt Bachand (Shadows Fall) on kommentoinut sopimusta seuraavasti:
”I couldn’t be more excited to begin this new adventure with ACT OF DEFIANCE. The positive energy that has collected between the four of us in such a little amount of time has been nothing short of incredible. Writing bass lines is something new for me as well, and I am looking forward to the challenge. All the songs are coming together great and I can’t wait for the world to hear this.”
Yhtyeen vokalisti Henry Derek (Ex-Scar The Martyr) on kommentoinut sopimusta seuraavasti:
”I’m extremely honored and excited to be a part of AOD. Everyone has been super cool and supportive, which is always a huge plus. I know this is going to be an awesome musical experience and the fact that I’m embarking on this journey with good people means everything. Cheers.”
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Metal Blade Recordsin omistaja Brian Slagel on kommentoinut puolestaan sopimusta seuraavasti:
”I am super excited to welcome ACT OF DEFIANCE to the Metal Blade family. I have known Chris and Shawn over the years and really admired their work. I am honored to be able to work with these two legendary musicians. Really excited to work with all the guys on this exciting new band!”