Adler’s Appetite vaihtoi vokalistia ja kitaristia

Kirjoittanut Niko Kuusela - 25.4.2011

Ex-Guns N’ Roses rumpali Steven Adlerin luotsaama hard rock -yhtye Adler’s Appetitessä on tapahtunut muutoksia miehistössä. Laulaja Rick Stitch on korvattu Patrick Stonella (Aces ’N’ Eights) ja kitaristi Alex Grossi Lonnie Paulilla. Lue lisää nähdäksesi toisen kitaristin Michael Thomasin kommentit asiaan liittyen.

”As soon as it went on the Internet that Rick was leaving the band, there was a flood of e-mails and responses [that] came in; it was overwhelming. And now we’re weeding through all these people, and what we really wanna do is give a chance to somebody who is a star to walk in the door and sing some of the most legendary rock and roll songs of all time. It’s an incredible opportunity. So, for us, we take it very seriously, because we also have to live with this person and create and write with this person, ’cause, as you know, we’ve released new songs recently — ’Alive’, ’Stardog’ and ’Fading’ — which are actually on iTunes. So they’re gonna be singing not only the GUNS stuff, but original material and putting their stamp on this new stuff that we’ve been writing since we got home from the European tour last month. So there’s so much going on; it’s a crazy circus. We’re just really excited about the opportunity of working with some new cats that can really come to the table and bring it.”

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