Aerosmith kommentoi Joey Kramerin syytöksiä: ”Häntä on pyydetty harjoituksiin, mutta hän ei ole koskaan saapunut paikalle”
Julkaisimme sivustollamme tänään uutisen, jossa kerroimme Aerosmithin rumpali Joey Kramerin haastaneen bändin oikeuteen. Kramerin mukaan häneltä on evätty pääsy takaisin yhtyeen riveihin hänen kuusi kuukautta kestäneen poissaolonsa jälkeen. Aerosmithin muut jäsenet ovat kertoneet oman puolensa tarinasta People-lehdelle. Muusikoilla oli sanottavaa aiheesta seuraavasti:
”Joey Kramer is our brother; his wellbeing is of paramount importance to us. However he has not been emotionally and physically able to perform with the band, by his own admission, for the last 6 months. We have missed him and have encouraged him to rejoin us to play many times but apparently he has not felt ready to do so.”
”Joey has now waited until the last moment to accept our invitation, when we unfortunately have no time for necessary rehearsals during Grammys week. We would be doing a disservice to him, to ourselves and to our fans to have him play without adequate time to prepare and rehearse. Compounding this, he chose to file a lawsuit on the Friday night of the holiday weekend preceding the Grammys with total disregard for what is our limited window to prepare to perform these important events. Given his decisions he is unfortunately unable to perform but of course we have invited him to be with us for both the Grammys and our MusiCares honor. We are bonded together by much more than our time on stage.”