Ahhnold on täällä taas: Austrian Death Machinen uusi kappale ”Don’t Be Lazy” kuunneltavissa
Yhdysvaltalaisesta metalcoren jättiläisestä As I Lay Dyingista tunnettu laulaja Tim Lambesis on julkaisemassa Austrian Death Machine -projektinsa seuraavan albumin ”Quad Brutal” helmikuun 23. päivä Napalm Recordsin kautta. Tim Lambesis kertoo Austrian Death Machinen tulevasta albumista seuraavaa:
“Being commissioned by The Govournator to sonically encompass the brutality of 80s action, bodybuilding, and judgment day into one album is a task that comes with great responsibility. First, I had to make it brutal of course. Then, I had to make sure to include choruses so that people don’t forget the great wisdom of Ahhnold‘s words.
And since it’s the fourth album, I had to really work on my quad strength at the gym to someday be ready to carry the weight of the world from the album cover when it’s passed along to me someday. The result is an album that is much more diverse than any ADM album I’ve written, and in the spectrum of heavy, it is the most brutal by a long shot when you hear all 10 songs.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy
Austrian Death Machinen tulevalta albumilta on nyt julkaistu toisena singlenä kuunneltavaksi kappale nimeltä ”Don’t Be Lazy”, josta Lambesiksella puolestaan oli seuraavaa kerrottavaa:
“I can proudly say that ‘Don’t Be Lazy‘ is the least brutal song on ‘Quad Brutal‘ because it’s still crushing, ramping up to 280 bpm, and features the largest human to ever scream into a microphone. Ahhnold wanted me to create an anthem that even the biggest idiots in the gym can remember so they don’t forget to re-rack their weights. Other than that, there’s NOTHING LEFT to say. Don’t put other people THROUGH STRUGGLE in re-racking your weights.”

Albumin kappalelista:
01. No Pain No Gain (feat. Craig Golias, Angel Vivaldi)
02. Conquer (feat. HELLBØRN, Clayton King)
03. Hey Bro Can You Spot Me? (feat. Craig Golias, Joey Alarcon)
04. Judgment Day (feat. Ov Sulfur)
05. Everybody Pities The Weak (feat. HELLBØRN)
06. Don’t Be Lazy (feat. Craig Golias)
07. Get Down (feat. Craig Golias)
08. Destroy The Machines (feat. Dany Lambesis)
09. MeatGrinde (feat. HELLBØRN)
10. I Never Quit (feat. Kill ROB Bailey, Craig Golias, Bleeding Through)
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