Alice Cooper: ”Johnny Depp olisi paras ihminen esittämään Alice Cooperia elokuvassa”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 29.5.2020

Yhdysvaltalainen kauhurockin legenda Alice Cooper julkaisi hiljattain uuden ”Don’t Give Up” -nimisen kappaleen piristääkseen faneja koronaviruksen keskellä. Nyt rokkari on antanut Yahoo! Entertainmentille haastattelun, jossa on pohdintaa omaelämäkerrallisesta, varmasti mielenkiintoisesta elokuvasta. Päärooliin hän toivoi ystäväänsä Johnny Deppiä. Alice kertoi aiheesta seuraavaa:

”I hope it’s not of those where we get to die first… Usually it’s gonna happen with bands that were extremely commercially successful, whereas Alice was successful and we sold a lot of records, but I did not appeal to everybody; I was definitely on the darker side. And I think that it would make a great movie, myself. And if Johnny Depp were just better looking, he could play me. Johnny would be the best guy to play me, because he really likes to take those characters that nobody else wants to play. And he loves prosthetics — he would get my nose in there and the whole thing like that. He knows me well enough now where he could imitate me pretty well, I’m pretty sure.”

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