Alice Cooperin kitaristi Nita Strauss perustanut sooloyhtyeen: uutta musiikkia luvassa alustavasti keväällä

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 1.2.2017

Alice Cooperin kitaristina hiljattain uraansa luonut ällistyttävä kitaristi Nita Strauss on antanut BackStory Events -sivulle haastattelun, jossa hän kertoo perustaneensa sooloyhtyeen. Strauss paljasti samalla aikovansa julkaista uutta musiikkia kevään aikana ennen Alice Cooperin huhtikuussa alkavaa kiertuetta. Strauss julkaisi hiljattain ”Pandemonium” -nimisen instrumentaalikappaleen musiikkivideon kera, ja hänen kommenttinsa aiheesta voit lukea tästä:

”We did that video… We were planning on just releasing a SoundCloud link for this song, and then my boyfriend Josh looks at me a week before the premiere date and he goes, ’Let’s go make a video for it,'”

”And I said, ’What? Now? We don’t have time.’ And he said, ’Just let me worry about that.’ And I said, ’Okay.’ And sure enough, we threw together a video in four days and got it ready to premiere. And, for me, it really encapsulated the song. It’s a raw, aggressive song, and we shot kind of a raw, aggressive video. And it came out exactly how I wanted it to.”

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Suunnitelmiaan uuteen soolomusiikkiin liittyen Strauss kertoi seuraavaa:

”We’ve got four months off with Alice, which is a rarity in our world. So I’m gonna take these next four months. I’ve put together my own band, [I’m] working on original music and hoping to have something out before I leave again in April.”

Koko haastattelun voit katsoa tästä:

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Strauss on aiemmin kuvaillut tulevaa albumiaan Ultimate Classic Rockille seuraavasti:

”I started writing music, and it turned into something that sounded like it needed to be a band. It didn’t sound like something that was indulgent enough to just be like, ’This is the Nita show.’ They sounded like band songs. I’m a band person. I might come across like kind of a show-off onstage and stuff, but I like collaborating with people. So I threw together a great group of girls. I thought it needed a great female lineup, and I think I’ve almost got it the way that I want it now.”


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