We Start Wars -promokuva 2017

Alice Cooperin kitaristi Nita Straussin luotsaamalta We Start Wars -yhteeltä ensimmäinen single

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 24.4.2017
We Start Wars -promokuva 2017

Alice Cooperin kitaristi Nita Strauss lupaili alkuvuodesta musiikkia uudelta bändiltään, ennen kuin hän lähtee Alice Cooperin kanssa kiertueelle.

Straussin perustaman We Start Warsin kokoonpano on sellainen, jonka kanssa hän on aina halunnut olla. Bändiin kuuluvat kitaristi Nita Straussin lisäksi basisti Alicia Vigil (She Demons, Vigil of War), laulaja Shauna ”Seana” Lisse, kitaristi Nicole Papastavrou (MeridieM), kosketinsoittaja Katt Scarlett (Femme Fatale) sekä rumpali Lindsay Martin (The Starbreakers).

We Start Warsin ensimmäinen ”The Animal Inside” -single on kuunneltavissa alla. Bändin debyyttikeikka on toukokuun 25. päivä Hollywoodin Whiskey A Go Go -klubilla.

Nita Strauss kertoi bändistä:

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”I’ve been wanting to be in this exact band since I started playing guitar. And after over a year of putting this together and auditioning musicians, finally ended up with an amazingly talented, hard-working and driven group of girls. I truly couldn’t be more proud of how these songs are coming out.”

Idean yhtyeen nimelle Strauss kertoi tulleen historian naispuolisia sotureista. We Start Wars kuvastaa nykypäivän naisten taisteluita sekä taisteluita, jotka ovat seuranneet naisia koko historian ajan.

”A phrase I heard years ago has always stuck with me: ’Some of the greatest wars in history were fought over a beautiful woman.’ I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of the female warrior, someone who fights her own battles and doesn’t take shit from anyone, and equally fascinated with the concept that a woman’s love or defending her honor would be worth so much that people would actually put their own lives and the lives of others at risk over it. The most famous story everyone thinks of first is of course, ’The face that launched a thousand ships,’ Helen of Troy. But there was also Cleopatra and Marc Antony, Attila the Hun’s invasion of Rome, Richard the Lionheart rescuing his sister Joan of England during the crusades, General Wu Sangui’s betrayal, which led to the downfall of the Ming Dynasty in the 1600s, and the Celts uprising against the Roman Empire in AD 60. The list goes on and on. So that’s the story behind the name—We Start Wars represents not only the battles that women face in daily life, but also the battles that have followed them throughout history.”

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