Alien Weaponryn rivistössä muutoksia: yhtye julkisti uuden basistinsa
Uusiseelantilainen thrash metal -yhtye Alien Weaponry on julkistanut uuden basistinsa. Yhtyeen uudeksi basistiksi on valittu Turanga Porowini Morgan-Edmonds, joka korvaa tehtävässään bändin jättävän Ethan Trembathin. Ethan on julkaissut aiheesta virallisen viestin, ja voit lukea sen tästä:
“This is a decision that I’ve been considering for quite a long time. I have really struggled with touring and being away from home so much, and I know that it’s only going to get more intense as the band grows, so I’ve decided to focus my energies on getting work in a recording studio or the production side of things, as that’s what I’ve enjoyed most during my time with Alien Weaponry.
It’s been an awesome experience, and I know we’ll always remain good friends. And I really want to thank our fans all over the world for their amazing support, which has been truly humbling.”
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