All That Remainsin Phil Labonte: ”Ilman Kornia ei olisi nykyajan deathcore-bändejä”
Yhdysvaltalaisen metalcore-yhtye All That Remainsin laulaja Phil Labonte on antanut hiljattain Joshua Toomeylle haastattelun, jossa on kertonut oman mielipiteensä nu metal -pioneeri Kornin merkityksestä nykypäivän metallimusiikille. Labonten mukaan ilman Kornia tuskin olisi monia nykypäivän deathcore-yhtyeitä sillä bändi on toiminut niin monelle nykypäivän yhtyeelle tärkeänä esikuvana. Labonte kertoi Kornista seuraavaa:
”One of the weird things was in the ’90s, when KORN came out, they had a massive impact, clearly. I mean, that’s obvious. But I don’t know if people today understand exactly how impactful KORN was back then. When they hit, metal bands that were riff-heavy metal bands, they were, like, ’Well, that’s a new kind of heavy.’ And it was something that people wanted to emulate.
”Without KORN, I don’t think you’d get deathcore bands that you have today. I think that they had a really, really strong influence on what it meant to make heavy music and what was heavy. The breakdown and downbeat stuff, there was some of that stuff in death metal before KORN and in metal before KORN, but KORN really brought that kind of out. And I don’t even know that you would have metalcore breakdowns that you do without bands like KORN. I’m not sure. Maybe you would, but I’m not sure.”
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