All That Remainsin Phil Labonte: ”Olen innoissani uuden musiikin kirjoittamisesta Jason Richardsonin kanssa”
Yhdysvaltalainen metalliyhtye All That Remains sai hiljattain valmiiksi kiertueensa Yhdysvalloissa. Yhtyeen laulaja Phil Labonte on antanut kiertueen lomassa haastattelun Interview Under Firelle, jossa hän on kertonut olevansa innoissaan musiikin kirjoittamisesta yhdessä bändin uuden kitaristin Jason Richardsonin kanssa. Labonten mukaan bändi ei pyrkinyt löytämään Oli Herbertin kopiota korvaajaksi, vaan tarkoituksena oli löytää bändiin uusi persoona, joka ei joudu suoran vertailun kohteeksi ja jota myös Oli Herbert arvosti soittajana. Labonte kertoi yhteistyöstä Jasonin kanssa seuraavaa:
”The thing about Jason is — and I’ve said this a few times in the press — Oli was a big fan of Jason’s. We’d done some touring when Jason was in BORN OF OSIRIS, and we’d done some shows when he was in CHELSEA GRIN, and Oli used to go and watch them. He was just, like, ’Man, that kid is the best.’ Blah blah blah. He just couldn’t say enough good things about him. And so, I’m sure that, if there is an afterlife and Oli can see that Jason is the guy that’s standing in his spot, Oli would be, like, ’Yeah, that’s the guy.’ So, that matters. That’s important to us. And it’s a big deal.
We didn’t wanna get someone that was gonna try to be Oli. Oli was Oli — the way he wrote his riffs, his personality. We didn’t want someone that had his look either. We wouldn’t have turned someone down that had long hair and a beard, but we weren’t, like, ’You’ve gotta have a beard and long hair.’ We weren’t looking to do that. The last thing we wanted was people to feel like we were trying to get a guy to be Oli. Oli was Oli, and no one will ever be Oli again. And we don’t want to insult his memory by doing anything like that. And so the fact that Jason is his own player, has his own career, had his own career before us, has his own career outside of ALL THAT REMAINS — he’s still doing his solo stuff; he’ll probably release a solo record next year — but he is able to step in and do what Oli did, that’s something that was a big deal to us. ’Cause, like I said, we didn’t people to think that we were trying to get someone that was, like, ’budget Oli’ or a guy that looked like Oli to kind of fill the shoes. We wanted someone that was different and their own person, ’cause we didn’t want… Oli was Oli, and there’s never gonna be another Oli.”
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