Alter Bridge -yhtyeen Myles Kennedy: ”Olemme aloittaneet valmistelut seuraavaa studioalbumia varten”

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 8.11.2018

Yhdysvaltalaisen rock-yhtye Alter Bridgen laulaja-kitaristi Myles Kennedy on kertonut tuoreessa Myglobalmindille antamassaan haastattelussa, että kirjoitusprosessi seuraavaa studioalbumia varten on aloitettu:

”After I finish with the press today, I’ll get back to writing. Mark Tremonti (yhtyeen kitaristi) has been doing the same thing. We will reconvene in April and make a record. There are a whole bunch of ideas being thrown around. It’s pretty exciting stuff. There is too early to tell what the vibe is just yet or what will make the cut. Mark and I tend to come up with a lot of ideas that we throw up against the wall to see what will stick. The songs we pick will decide the mood of the record and we won’t know that until April.”

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Kennedy kertoi myös millaista oli lokakuussa 2017 soittaa kaksi loppuunmyytyä konserttia Lontoon legendaarisessa The Royal Albert Hallissa 52-henkisen Parallax suurorkesterin kanssa, ja julkaista kokonaisuudesta tänä syksynä livealbumi sekä DVD:

”Actually, we had arrangers who did it. They did an amazing job, and we didn’t have to do anything but show up and play. That was a testament to their terrific skills. Those guys are total professionals, and it was inspiring to see how effortless it went down on their end. To be totally honest with you, I was more worried about us screwing it up. We had these classy professionals with these four rock idiots possibly ruining it. We were afraid to rain on their parade. We rehearsed those songs just once with the orchestra. We had two days prior to the first performance and ran through each song only one time. They would make some changes on their end where needed. I’m the type of guy that will rehearse and rehearse for a tour, and they knocked it out of the park. It was pretty impressive to me.”

Alter Bridgen edellinen, viides studioalbumi ”The Last Hero”, julkaistiin lokakuussa 2016. Tänä vuonna Kennedy sekä yhtyeen kitaristi Mark Tremonti ovat kiertäneet omien sooloalbumiensa tiimoilta, mutta Kennedy on myös ehtinyt julkaisemaan levyllisen uutta musiikkia Slashin soolokokoonpanon kanssa (Slash feat. Myles Kennedy & The Conspirators).

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