Alternative rock -bändi Hawthorne Heights julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon kappaleeseen ”Crimson Sand”

Yhdysvaltojen Ohiosta nouseva Hawthorne Heights on julkaissut uuden musiikkivideon kappaleeseen ”Crimson Sand”. Voit katsoa kyseisen videon uutisen lopusta. Yhtyeen vokalisti ja kitaristi JT Woodruff kommentoi kappaletta seuraavasti:
“We wanted the video for “Crimson Sand” to match the frenetic, yet somber intensity of the music, all while being tied to our video for ”Just Another Ghost”. We looked at it as a companion piece, that follows the inner struggles of our main character as she moves through a different set of emotions during “Crimson Sand”, Instead of an all out anxiety attack, this focuses more on a kind of depression than saps all of your positivity and motivation. We are in a beautiful setting, but nothing seems to snap her out of what she’s going through, and the ghost has her again. Soon, she finds the perfect song to move her into a better outlook. This was one of the tracks that was most fun to record, and we really focused on capturing the energy”.